Creatively apply technology to build vocabulary, phonics, phonemic awareness, and comprehension skills.
Ideas for helping you move student work from ordinary knowledge to extraordinary thinking
Six ideas for performance tasks that get students making and creating to demonstrate (and help you evaluate) their comprehension.
The creative application of comics, cartoons, and graphic novels makes learning relevant to students.
How the comic format helps students practice and grow writing skills
Engage learners in retelling, informing, and raising awareness with comics
Use creative technology tools to engage struggling readers and writers
Creative ideas to engage digital learners in reading and writing poetry
How creative digital tools can engage your learners more deeply in the reading process.
A list of books students can use to create the own literature adptations.
Children's books about math that make for great student-published books and projects.
Ways you can use great children's literature to turn your readers into writers at the beginning of the schoolyear.
Make multi-modal writing an essential part of learning
The motivation to write better and write more grows exponentially with the promise of a published product, so make students authors!
Creating eBooks makes it easy to share and distribute student writing, motivating them and giving meaning to their work.
Use choice boards to engage students in reading and let them demonstrate their comprehension of a story.
Give students a creative platform to develop meaningful relationships with new terms.
A fun and motivating way for students to practice and build proficiency with each of the traits in the 6+1 model.
Combining picture books with maker projects for a powerful way to open up a world of emotions for students of all ages.
Bringing literacy, making and social-emotional skills together to provide multiple ways to express one's understanding of a story.
Give students an assignment that encourages higher-level thinking and the opportunity for "data dumping" is almost nonexistent.
Simple strategies for parents to engage reluctant readers and writers.
A Create a Cover Contest offers low performing readers the opportunity to creatively express their understanding of a required reading.
Meeting your students where they already are - in the land of MP3s and YouTube - can forever change your classroom.
Motivate young authors with a meet the author and book signing event.
Writing about their families sparked student excitement and passion... for writing, editing, and sharing.
A list of children's books about math that make for great student-created adaptations.
New technologies can help transform the traditional author study into a student-centered process.
Creating multimedia grammar tutorials provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge while helping their peers.
Help students listen to their inner voice and dig deeper to connect to text.
Students in New York create and design a new chapter in a book.
Share your ideas, imagination, and understanding through writing, art, voice, and video.
Rubric Maker
Create custom rubrics for your classroom.
A curated, copyright-friendly image library that is safe and free for education.
Write, record, and illustrate a sentence.
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