Students will create their own multiplication word problems.
Students will explore length, width, perimeter, and surface area as they design their dream room.
Students will create their own tessellations study the mathematical concepts of patterns, planes, symmetry, and translation.
Students learn about 2-dimensional shapes and create a class book identifying these shapes around their school.
Students practice counting through the creation of a Halloween counting book.
Students color a page in the style of Piet Mondrian and then count, describe, and compare the shapes and colors.
Students create and complete surveys, graph the data and share the results with an audience outside the classroom.
Students compose images from shapes, describe their composition, and create their own version of the book, The Shape of Things.
Students solve tangram puzzles and then create a new shape using the shapes in the Tangram square and tell its story.
Students practice math skills, organization, and teamwork as they work as a class to plan and deliver a class party.
Students will plan for an event and create a proposal demonstrating how the event might look and how much it would cost.
Students write and illustrate a spring-inspired short story including fractions they find in nature or their local community.
Students use clay animation to learn that shapes can be divided into equal parts.
Students will ientify types of angles in photographs, and write cinquain poems that share the angles they find.
Students will connect math terms with the world around them.
Share your ideas, imagination, and understanding through writing, art, voice, and video.
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