Creating eBooks makes it easy to share and distribute student writing, motivating them and giving meaning to their work.
Simple strategies for parents to engage reluctant readers and writers.
Use experts to demonstrate the connections between what students learn and the world that is outside of the classroom.
In this lesson, students create an alphabet book to share knowledge and information they have learned, organizing their writing using the ABC’s.
Students take the lead and design and create their own digital magazine.
Students will create an infographic poster to share knowledge and data about an issue they are studying.
In this lesson, students write and design a diary for an animal to teach others about its unique physical characteristics and adaptations.
Students research the characteristics, adaptations, and habitat of an animal and share their findings in a question and answer session with the animal.
In this lesson, students tell the story of a scientific cycle by recreating the adventure of its "main character".
Students design enclosures for animals that live in the Arctic or Antarctic regions, to reflect what they have learned about animal habitats and characteristics.
Students will write persuasively on a conservation issue and create a public service announcement to promote their cause.
Students will research a health issue, write an essay, and transform their argument into a public service announcement.
Students will research a historical person or event and retell the story as an animated interview with an artifact from that time or place.
Students complete research on a historical figure and create a video biography of that person.
In this lesson, students share their knowledge about a time and place in history by creating a promotional travel brochure that provides information and an itinerary for a visit.
Students will create a historical journal from a fictional character's point of view.
Students will create a daily newspaper edition to learn about the politics and culture of ancient Rome.
In this lesson, students develop materials to promote a specific region they are studying and make their pitch for a visit to this location at a tourism trade show.
Share your ideas, imagination, and understanding through writing, art, voice, and video.
Rubric Maker
Create custom rubrics for your classroom.
A curated, copyright-friendly image library that is safe and free for education.
Write, record, and illustrate a sentence.
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