Lesson plan collections that support a project-based approach to learning

Project-based learning engages students in deep thinking while connecting their learning in the classroom to the world around them.

Examples of Projects and PBL

Before you begin implementing project work or PBL, it can be helpful to explore ideas from other educators. These collections of PBL lessons will give you a sense of how you can use a project approach in many different disciplines, as well as across them.

Explore some of Creative Educator's favorite PBL-style lessons


YouTube has some solid playlists with PBL examples for:

STEM and Citizen Science

Consider citizen science projects where students are contributing essential data. Don't be limited by my term science either, these are available in many subjects.

We can push the learning in our classrooms from projects to project-based learning by focusing on ideas, work, and effort that matters.

Creative Educator can help you bring project-based learning to your school.

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More sites to help you find success in your classroom


Share your ideas, imagination, and understanding through writing, art, voice, and video.

Rubric Maker

Create custom rubrics for your classroom.


A curated, copyright-friendly image library that is safe and free for education.


Write, record, and illustrate a sentence.

Creative Educator

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Digital Storytelling

21st Century Classrooms

Project-based Learning

Teaching and Learning




Informational Text

English Language Aquisition



Language Arts



Social Studies

Visual Arts

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